March Mobility Challenge
Mobility has become a popular buzzword in the fitness industry. What is it and why is it important? Have a better grasp on the topic by reading more about the differences between stretching, flexibility and mobility.
The dictionary defines mobility as the ability to move freely and easily in the body
Mobility as it is known in the fitness industry is a large umbrella term that encomasses everything from foam rollers, to yoga, to massage and joint articular rotations. Most people immediately think of foam rollers and massage tools as it is thought to free up tight muscles in the body. This is a form of passive mobility, where you bring more movement to your body passively with the help of external tools. Where as active mobility essentially strengthens your weaknesses to bring more stability to the joints. This can be completed in a variety of ways. The simplest way is to move often and varied; allowing your body to adapt to movement from all angles.
The goal of this challenge is to introduce participants to active mobility by bringing awareness to your daily movement patterns. We want you to notice how your weaknesses are developed based on the movements you make on a daily basis. Are you right handed? Do you usually step up the stairs with your right foot first? Is your left leg noticeably weaker or has a harder time balancing? This is a generalized example of how continuously using the dominant side of the body encourages muscular imbalances; which leads to join instability and eventually leaves you susceptible to injury over time.
This mobility challenge will be to get up off the floor, a chair, your bed etc WITHOUT the use of your hands and arms.
This mobility challenge also shows us how our daily choices impact the body in the long run. The human body adapts to stimulus as quickly as two weeks; meaning your right leg that steps up first will get really good at leading and primarily supporting your body.
As a bonus side effect, your core will get stronger too. The more often you practice, the strong it will get!
Stand up without using your arms any time you are sitting on the floor, the couch, at work, in the car and even on the toilet.
- No hands
- No elbows
- No part of your arm
- No momentum from your arms, flex your arms instead
You will notice it will be easiest to stand up with your dominant leg on your dominant side of the body, but once you get a feel for the movement I encourage you to play around with the opposite side. Notice how much more challenging it is and take a mental note. At the end of the month notice if getting up with the non dominant side has become easier.
If you have prior injuries in the ankles, knees or hips you can modify by:
- Using the momentum of your arms
- Using your elbows
- Leaning the trunk safely onto stable objects, like a wall
If possible without encouraging injury- towards the end of the month try getting up without modifications.
This is a playful challenge that forces us to approach day to day movements differently. If there is pain in any movement- let your arms assist you. Never force it; we want to use this as an opportunity to explore the body in an injury free way. I highly recommend trying this for the first time when you are warm or after a workout.
Share Your Experience With Us!
We will be posting other variations throughout the month for you to try!
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